functional region definition geography
For instance, the stretch of the East Coast of the US from Boston to DC contains dense human activity and settlement. They help us understand and organize the arrangements of people, places, and environments. Geography also examines the relationships between and the processes of humans and their physical and cultural environments. Vernacular regions: These include perceived regions, such as "The South," "The Midwest," or the "Middle East"; they have no formal boundaries but are understood in mental maps of the This These characteristics/features are used to distinguish them from other formal regions. In comparing one formal political region with another, it is often helpful to use a familiar country, state, province, or political unit as a reference or guide. Because vernacular/perceptual regions are based on attitudes, perceptions, and methods of communication, they are much more likely to change then regions based on physical geographical features. What dominates a functional region at a central focus? WebPut simply, a functional region is a defined geographical area centered around a specific focal point with a specific function. The function in the functional region can be commercial, social, political, or something else.
A functional region is distinguished by a centralized hub with surrounding areas and structures that relate to a common activity. The central hub of the harbor is linked to surrounding areas by trade routes and communication routes. I never think that people die. The Arctic Circle is a line of latitude at 66.5 degrees north. A formal region is a geographical area that is defined by a specific characteristic or set of characteristics that are uniform across the region.
Local time zones are either plus or minus determined by the distance from the prime meridian. The students must commute to their school every day, and a number of different transportation routes link the central hubs (schools) to the homes of the students and surrounding areas. In human geography, the term "situation" refers to the location of a place or phenomenon in relation to its surroundings.
This can involve examining the physical, social, economic, and cultural factors that shape the region and the way it functions. Unless you are using a different form of connection at home, radio, television, mobile phone data, phone calls, and Wi-Fi all arrive via electromagnetic technology. The concept of a vernacular region is often used in cultural geography and the study of regional identity. People and activity will flow towards and away from the focal point at various times of the day. Functional regions are one of the three types of regions in human geography (the others being formal and perceptual regions ). The concept of situation is often used in combination with the concept of site to understand the complex factors that influence the location and development of human settlements and activities. If it is 4 p.m. in San Francisco, what time is it in London, England? This video will teach you everything you need to know about Formal, Functional, and Perceptual regions. of the users don't pass the Functional Regions quiz! Surrounding this district is a ring of factories and industrial areas, followed by working-class neighborhoods. Examples include the function being a commercial activity, such as the region within a television tower's broadcasting zone or the For example, the circulation area for a major city area is the functional region of that paper. Site: physical character of a place (climate, water sources, vegetation), Ex: On a hill, fertile garden, near a river, Situation: location of a place relative to other places, Ex: My house is next to the YMCA and Tusculum Elementary., Formal region: area where everyone shares one unique characteristic, Ex: The characteristic can be a common language, climate, political party, Functional region: area organized around a hub, Ex: The hub can be the center of the city that attracts people, Ex: TV stations have a main hub where all signals are emitted, Vernacular region: area that emerges from a sense of place, people believe the area exists because of culture. Factors for comparison include both the physical and the cultural landscape. A functional region example is a school district. 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. It tends to emphasize the main physical parts of the earththe lithosphere (surface layer), the atmosphere (air), the hydrosphere (water), and the biosphere (living organisms)and the relationships between these parts. The most obvious example is that of a city. The characteristic that is chosen to define a functional region. Vernacular Region (aka Perceptual Region or Mental Map) Definition: An area that people believe exist as part of their cultural identity. Each day officially starts at 12:01 a.m., at the International Date Line. Remember that the earth is tilted 23.5 degrees, which accounts for seasonal variations in climate. A functional region is a geographical area that is defined by the flow of goods, services, information, or other resources between the places within the region. Making maps and verifying a location have become more exact with the development of the global positioning system (GPS). Whether you know it or not, there are many moments in your daily life when you are interacting in a functional region. New technologies are rendering functional regions less relevant. A region is a basic unit of study in geographya unit of space characterized by a feature such as a common government, language, political situation, or landform. Their boundaries vary with the type of region, whether it is formal, functional, or vernacular; each type has its own meaning and defined purpose.
It is hard to decipher where economic activity is centralized. An example of a perpetual/vernacular region includes the Bermuda Triangle. It breaks areas of the globe down into smaller chunks with more defined and similar traits. His background in education and training is diverse including education in computer science, communication theory, psychology, and philosophy. Figure 1.8 Diagram Illustrating the Width of a Time Zone. The store will target the citizens that live closest to the store, hoping to draw them in, with their customer base reducing as the distance from the store increases. What is a functional region in human geography? 1 - The megaregions of the US. These regions reside in our "mental maps.". He devised one of the first systems of longitude and latitude and calculated the earths circumference. What dominates a functional region at a central focus? Shopping centers work similarly to department stores, but instead of being a single store they are conglomerations of many different stores located in a single area. Geographers and cartographers organize locations on the earth using a series of imaginary lines that encircle the globe.
It can be hard to decipher where the centralized focus of economic activity is located because the suburban areas of each city blend into each other. The prime meridian sits at 0 degrees longitude and divides the earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Metropolitan areas in the US have extensive urban sprawl. Upload unlimited documents and save them online. Whether the state of Kentucky belongs in the Midwest or in the South might be a matter of individual perception. It has a prevailing descriptive character. GIS programs are used in a wide range of applications, from determining the habitat range of a particular species of bird to mapping the hometowns of university students.
A functional region in geography is an area centered on a node, focal point, or central hub surrounded by interconnecting linkages. WebPhysical geography is the spatial study of natural phenomena that make up the environment, such as rivers, mountains, landforms, weather, climate, soils, plants, and any other physical aspects of the earths surface. GIS specialists require knowledge about computer and database systems. WebFunctional Region. The natural forces of erosion, weather, tectonic plate action, and water have formed the earths physical features. The attribute is often based in the center of the region as a type of focal point. The range of broadcasting technology is an example of a functional region. On a much smaller scale, at home, you may notice that you left the functional area of your Wi-Fi router when you are no longer connected to the Wi-Fi. A problem with the 15-degree time zones is that the zones do not necessarily follow state, regional, or local boundaries. The discipline of geography can be broken down into two main areas of focus: physical geography and human geography. Home functional region definition and examples. Nevertheless, most people would recognize the general area being discussed when using one of the vernacular terms in a conversation. The American South, which is often defined by its distinctive culture, history, and way of life, The Rust Belt, a region in the northeastern and midwestern United States that is defined by its industrial history and economic decline, The Bible Belt, a region in the southern United States that is known for its strong religious traditions. An example of a common service areathat is, a functional regionis the region to which a local pizza shop will deliver. WebA functional region consists of the area surrounding a central node where the function happens.
A school district is based on a certain number of schools, which as hubs for the functional region. Also know as Uniform, Nodal, and Vernacular regions! Show All. A functional region is made up of a specific location and area surrounding it. Geography is the spatial study of the earths surface (from the Greek geo, which means Earth, and graphein, which means to write). The situation of a place can also be shaped by its history and culture, as well as by larger political and economic forces. Physical characteristics of an area are frequently used to create formal regions, with natural boundaries like canyons, lakes, mountains, and rivers being used as a basis for a regions boundaries. Traditionally, the field of cartography, or map making, has been a vital discipline for geographers. When this happens, you must get closer to the central node to be connected again. Relative location helps one compare the advantages of one location with those of another.
Regions are cohesive areas within each realm. For instance, the local bank branches act as the central hub of that subregion, even though they are part of a larger functional region that includes the entire banking company. Another way to define functional regions is to define them by a central location. Canadian sociologist Ernest W. Burgess theorized about the city as a functional region. Everything you need for your studies in one place. Regions, large or small, are the basic units of geography. School districts can be thought of as functional regions centered around education. Areas containing a kind of service, such as cable television, or points on a map that are a terminal for an activity, such as travel or communication via telephone can also be named as functional regions. The central node of a functional region is always easy to find. Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. It has a prevailing descriptive character. WebGeographers usually use functional regions to display economic areas (i.e. Although there will be a central hub or focal point for the region, the region as a whole can be considered one unit regarding the activity it is concerned with. Daniel obtained his BS and is pursuing a Master's degree in the science of Human-Computer Interaction. By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. Perceptual/vernacular regions have no definitive borders; it depends on how an individual perceives the region. For instance, a bus depot might be created at the central hub of a transportation network, and more bus routes, stops, and supporting facilities will crop up around/spread out from the initial depot.
The function in the functional region can be commercial, social, political, or something else. The site of a hydroelectric dam might be a narrow valley with a fast-flowing river, steep cliffs, and access to a road network. Yet what exactly is a functional region? The access to a road network is also important for transporting materials and equipment to the site. The other lines of latitude are numbered from 0 to 90 degrees going toward each of the poles. Human geography incorporates studies of human culture, spatial relationships, interactions between humans and the environment, and many other areas of research that involve the different subspecialties of geography. Draw a map of your home state or province and include lines of latitude and longitude. While cartography continues to be an extremely important part of geography, geographers also look at spatial (space) and temporal (time) relationships between many types of data, including physical landscape types, economies, and human activity. World regional geography is the study of a particular group of world regions or realms as each compares with the rest of the world. 3 - School districts are the functional regions surrounding a school. The situation of a small village might be in a remote, mountainous region with limited access to transportation and few natural resources. trading area of a shop or service, reception range of a TV station). At the equator, the sun is directly overhead at noon on the two equinoxes, which occur in March and September. Test your knowledge with gamified quizzes. WebA nodal region refers to a subgroup (tree) of nodes polarized by an independent node (whose largest flow link connects a smaller node) and a number of subordinate nodes (whose largest flow link connects a larger node). An example of a formal region includes the borders of the US. trading area of a shop or service, reception range of a TV station). Examples of perceptual regions include the Northeast, SoCal and NorCal in California, and the Midwest. School districts are important functional areas, because the school district an individual is educated in can determine much about their future and potential success. Church parishes, shopping malls, and business service areas are other examples of functional regions. Since there are twenty-four hours in a day, there are twenty-four time zones on Earth. Absolute location, on the other hand, refers to an exact point on the earths surface without regard to how that point is related to any other place. Megalopolis: a grouping of metropolitan areas that are increasingly becoming interconnected into one megaregion as a result of shared systems such as transportation or economy. Want to create or adapt books like this? Unlike a formal region, which is defined by a specific characteristic that is uniform across the region, a functional region is defined by the relationships and connections between the places within the region. School districts, cities, and county governments have formal boundaries. For example, the site of a major city might be influenced by its proximity to transportation networks, its access to natural resources, and its cultural and historical significance. A Neolithic mummy of a man who died in 3300 BCE caused tension between Italy and Switzerland: the body was originally taken to Innsbruck, Switzerland, but when it was determined that the body was found about 90 meters (180 feet) inside the border of Italy, Italian officials laid claim to the body. Weve laid out the foundation of Human Geography. Generally, formal regions have a central node that acts as the center of gravity. Spatial dynamics assist in identifying and evaluating cultural differences between places. It can include both the physical characteristics of a place, such as its topography, climate, and natural resources, as well as the cultural, social, and economic factors that shape and are shaped by its location. Vernacular regions: These include perceived regions, such as "The South," "The Midwest," or the "Middle East"; they have no formal boundaries but are understood in mental maps of the If the newspaper goes bankrupt, the functional region no longer exists. The concept of a functional region is often used in economic and transportation planning, as well as in the study of social and cultural phenomena. They help us understand and organize the arrangements of people, places, and environments. The attribute is often based in the center of the region as a type of focal point. The biggest examples of functional regions are metropolitan areas, and you can think of the city that the metropolitan area is based around as of the central hub or focal point of the region. As a reminder, this central mode can be political, commercial, or social. The airports and seaports frequently welcome tourists to an area, and as the distance from the airport increases, the tourists will have other ports they can utilize. Perceptual regions are also sometimes called vernacular regions, though some geographers do not use the terms interchangeably, using them to refer to different concepts. WebA nodal region refers to a subgroup (tree) of nodes polarized by an independent node (whose largest flow link connects a smaller node) and a number of subordinate nodes (whose largest flow link connects a larger node). What is the central node of a school district? The major city within a metropolitan area is where most commerce and activity takes place, being the most densely populated portion of the functional region. Metropolitan areas are good examples of functional regions because they feature central, dense districts influencing surrounding areas. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. The characteristic that is chosen to define a functional region. A grid system called the graticule divides the earth by lines of latitude and longitude that allow for the identification of absolute location on the earths surface through geometric coordinates measured in degrees. Show All. How can remote sensing technology assist in determining what people do for a living? The lines north of the equator toward the North Pole are north latitude, and each of the numbers is followed by the letter N. The lines south of the equator toward the South Pole are south latitude, and each of the numbers is followed by the letter S. The equator (0 latitude) is the only line of latitude without any letter following the number. WebFunctional Region. The meridian at 180 degrees is called the International Date Line. GIS can also refer to techniques used to represent, analyze, and predict spatial relationships between different phenomena. Outside of functional regions, other types of geographical regions include formal regions and perceptual or vernacular regions. A regionis an area of land that has common features. If it is 1 p.m. in New York, it is 10 a.m. in San Francisco, which is three times zones to the west. Functional regions: These are defined by their connections. Likewise, between Canada and the United States, a major part of the eastern border is along the Saint Lawrence Seaway and the Great Lakes. They exist because it is functional for them to be there.
Understand the focus of geography and the two main branches of the discipline. WebGeographers usually use functional regions to display economic areas (i.e. Over 10 million students from across the world are already learning smarter. The range and reach of these technologies are a functional region. On the other hand, the village's situation in a mountainous region might also offer opportunities for tourism and outdoor recreation. The main aim is to understand or define the uniqueness or character of a particular region, which consists of Do not confuse the International Date Line with the prime meridian (0 longitude). Within a functional region, there is usually a central hub or point of distribution for whatever function or activity the region is concerned with. The GIS computer program can sort or analyze layers of data to illustrate a specific feature or activity. Can you list a formal region, a functional region, and a vernacular region that would include where you live? The Tropic of Cancer is the parallel at 23.5 degrees north of the equator, which is the most northerly place on Earth, receiving direct sunlight during the Northern Hemispheres summer. Vernacular Region (aka Perceptual Region or Mental Map) Definition: An area that people believe exist as part of their cultural identity. While the economic and cultural aspects of humanity are primary focuses of human geography, these aspects cannot be understood without describing the landscape on which economic and cultural activities take place. Regional geography is an important branch of geography as a whole. Other than a central node and a function, there are not any defining characteristics. Meanwhile, formal regions are areas that share a uniform attribute, such as language, culture, or political organization. The are surrounding the central node can be considered its sphere of influence. A functional region is a geographical area that is defined by the flow of goods, services, information, or other resources between the places within the region. Harbors frequently handle industries like fishing and shipping and also serve as a base of operations for the creation of coastal infrastructure. As urban sprawl grows around the country, there are many other examples of megaregions in the US. What is the significance of the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn? What happens to the defining characteristic as it moves outwards? To calibrate functional distance indices, Brown and Horton suggest the application of Markov chain ana- All meridians (lines of longitude) east of the prime meridian (0 and 180) are numbered from 1 to 180 degrees east (E); the lines west of the prime meridian (0 and 180) are numbered from 1 to 180 degrees west (W). 4th Grade. Functional regions have boundaries related to a practical function within a given area. They use computer programs to take raw data to develop the information these organizations need for making vital decisions. Formal regions are the regions that have boundaries recognized by different cities, states, and countries. A functional region is a geographical area that is defined by the flow of goods, services, information, or other resources between the places within the region. Harbors and ports are also examples of functional regions.
Also know as Uniform, Nodal, and Vernacular regions! Show All. Towered cities please us then, And the busy hum of men. John Milton. Toponyms are place names. They just go to department stores. Andy Warhol. The result is that time zones are seldom exactly 15 degrees wide and usually have varied boundary lines. Oil drilling near the coast of a sovereign country, for example, can cause a dispute between countries about which one has dominion over the oil resources. Regional analysis is the study of a specific region or area, with the goal of understanding its characteristics and patterns. Socal and NorCal in California, and the processes of humans and physical. Regions because they feature central, dense districts influencing surrounding areas these are by. Hours in a functional region of a vernacular region is made up of a functional region US then and. Is made up of a shop or service, reception range of broadcasting technology is an branch! 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