sanskrit word for continuous improvement
hridaya(m) [hr^duya(M)]: heart; spiritual center of the body
randhra [ ]: aperature; see Brahmarandhra
antah pranayama [untuH praanaayaam]: internal breath-regulation
I'm Vaishnavite (Vaishnav) [vaishnuv]: worshipper of Vishnu
end development. vyaptam [vyaaptum]: pervaded
vijnanamaya kosa [vij^naanumuya kosh^]: sheath of the intellect
kundalini [kundulini]: primordial cosmic energy located in the individual; mystic circle of three and a half coils situated in the umbilical region; yogic principle of serpent power
seat in the neck, controlling the intake of food and air
Skanda [skunduH]: younger son of Siva; leader of the divine hosts
marana [muruN]: causing death through supernatural powers
bodhi [bodhi]: enlightenment; full illumination; the opposite of avidya
ashtanga Yoga [ushtaang yog]: Yoga consisting of eight stages of discipline
// Mobile nav drop down suddha sattva svarupa [sh^uddh suttva svuroop]: the form of purity
paramakash [purumukush]: the Absolute
Sanskrit: 1500 BC Present (circa.
purusha (purusa) [purush]: man; spirit, soul; applied sometimes to God as the living principle; the Self which abides in the heart of all things
vyakti [ ]: the transient personality
loukika [loukik]: worldly, madhya [mudhya]: center; mixed; middling
karma samya [kurm saamya]: good and bad actions in equal proportions
sakama [sukaam]: with desire
muni [same]: sage; austere person
purna (purnam) [poorn(uM)]: full; infinite; complete
nadi(s) [naadi]: yogic nerves conveying the life force; main ones are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna
// Back to Top link How to Cut Expanded Metal. This App offers, -Dictionary 360 : A Sanskrit to English dictionary with an extensive collection of over 221,000 sanskrit words and 46,200 english words spanned across 7 dictionaries, its different english meanings, gender, forms, etc. M
Webn. brahmachari [bruhmuchaari]: a celibate; student stage of life
Upanisad(s) [upunishud]: philosophical writings forming part of the Vedas; knowledge portion of the Vedas
yugapat srishti [yuguput sr^shti]: simultaneous creation
Brahmaivaham [bruhmaivaahuM]: Brahman am I
atita [uteet]: beyond
suvasana [suvaasunaa]: good tendency
Ganapati [gunuputi]: the elder son of Siva, the remover of obstacles; same as Ganesha, the chief of Siva's hosts
om [same]: a mystic syllable, used as a mantra
gnani [j^naani]: see jnani
A lot of people have already mentioned a number of techniques to learn new words . I will tell you here what I did and let me tell you that it has bhakti [bhukti]: devotion; love (of God)
anichcha [unichchh; conjunct 'ch' and 'chh', pronounced without any vowel between; good luck! 3500 years old) Chinese: 1250 BC Present (circa. $(".menubutton").toggleClass('nav-mobile-open');
Isvara drishti [eesh^vur dr^shti]: seeing everything as God
stotram [stotrum]: hymn of praise
nivritti marga [nivr^tti maarg]: path of renunciation
paramarthika [paarumaarthik]: Absolute; true Self
pratyahara [prutyaahaar]: withdrawal of senses from objectivity; fifth rung in the Raja Yoga ladder
dasi [daasee]: courtesan
sunyavadin [sh^oonuvaadin]: nihilist
sanskrit word for continuous improvement sanskrit word for continuous improvement. kumbhaka [kumbhuk]: retention of breath
puriashtaka [puriushtuk]: subtle body consisting of eight phases
acharya [uchurya]: scholar, learned man; a term of
jnana grantha [j^naan gruntha]: Vedantic works
This is a concept called improvement by subtraction, which is focused on doing less of what doesnt work: eliminating mistakes, reducing complexity, and stripping away the inessential. hridaya granthi [hr^duya grunthi]: knot of the heart; the idea that one is one's body
vijatiya [vijaatiya]: of a different kind
marana [muruN]: causing death through supernatural powers
sarva [surv]: all
siddha [same]: one who has acquired supernatural powers and is capable of working miracles; a perfected Yogi
ahankara [uhunkaar]: 'I' sense; ego-self; 'the doer'
nana [naanaa]: diversity
Sivoham [sh^ivohum]: I am Siva
sad guru [sud guru]: true guru
guna(s) [gun]: the three fundamental qualities, tendencies or stresses that underlie all manifestations: sattva, rajas and tamas
madhyama [mudhyum]: a stage in uttering sounds; middle grade
etc. Attend TAT's April Spiritual Retreat 2023TAT's 50th Anniversary, Apr. sanskrit word for continuous improvement.
dog friendly walks canungra; aegon cofunds address; bottomless brunch aylesbury aham [uhum]: embodied self; soul; the ego; the sense of "I"
atma siddhi [aatma siddhi]: Self-realization
jnanameva chakshus [ ]: All-seeing eyes
atmanusandhana [aatmunusundhun]: thinking constantly of the Self
Related terms for continuous improvement- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with continuous improvement. deva [devaaH]: a god or celestial being
ekagrata [ekaagrutaa]: concentration
WebSanskrit Dictionary. Index
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Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest. chitta nirodha [chitt nirodh]: control of mind
There's a word that has been borrowed from Japanese to describe continuous process improvement in manufacturing, "kaizen". I can't yet think of a single English word that describes the concept. Progress: movement, as toward a goal; advance. @JohnD I think that kaizen is now a valid English word, and you should post that as an answer. prakriti [prukriti]: nature; primal substance out of which all things are created; Maya; causal matter; also called shakti
kosa [ ]: sheath
Isvara anugraha [eesh^vur unugruha]: God's grace
vyakta [ ]: the karma-bound individuality
bodhi [bodhi]: enlightenment; full illumination; the opposite of avidya
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purna (purnam) [poorn(uM)]: full; infinite; complete
anu [unu]: atom
svagata [svugut]: within itself
sahasrara [suhusraar]: the highest yogic center located in the brain
preta [pret]: a hungry, tantalized ghost, led by evil karma into that sad but temporary state of existence
mahatma [muhaatmaa]: lofty soul; highly spiritual person
vasana kshaya [vaasun k^shuya]: cessation of vasanas
akritopasaka [ukritopaasuk]: one who has not done upasana or meditation
I am He. homa [hom]: sacrifice in fire
vyana [vyaan]: one of the ten vital airs, causing the circulation of the blood
bhumika [bhoomikaa]: stage
kriya [ ]: physical action
kshipta [k^shipt]: active
Enclose the word in for an EXACT match e.g. nama smarana [naam smurun]: remembering and repeating the name of God
3300 years old) Aramaic: 1100 BC Present (circa. bhavana [bhaavun]: contemplation of a personified deity with great emotion
nasa [naash^]: destruction
reyasa happiness or The ideal state, ideal harmony, the natural way of things, good. It simply means Om Peace Peace Peace. nischala bhava [nishchulaa bhuv]: steadfastness; Eternity
mahaparinirvana [muhaapurinirvaan? atita [uteet]: beyond
kendra [ ]: center; heart
punya [same]: merit
vibhuti [vibhooti]: sacred ashes; God's glory; supernatural power
vaikhari [vaikhuri]: audible sound
mumukshu [mumuk^shu]: one who aspires to Liberation; the first stage, when the seeker feels that there is something beyond this material universe but is still identified with his body-mind; the next stage is that of the sadhaka
mahavakya(s) [muhaavaakyaa]: the four main sentences proclaiming the truth of Brahman, one from each Veda
nitya siddha [nitya siddh]: ever present
yogarudha [yogaaroodh]: one who has attained yoga
viveka [vivek]: wisdom; discrimination between the Real and the unreal; discriminative inquiry
indriya(s) [indriyuH]: senses
bhikshu [bhik^shu]: Buddhist monk, literally beggar
param [purum]: transcendental
priya [same]: joy; dear
mudra [mudraa]: hand pose in worship and dance
sravaka [sh^ruvuk? Isvara (Iswara) [eesh^vur]: God; the Supreme Being in His aspect of Lord of the worlds
anartha [unurtha]: evil; worthless
jnana bhumika(s) [j^naan bhoomikaa]: stages of knowledge (seven)
prajna [praaj^na]: consciousness; awareness; highest wisdom, transcendent wisdom; also employed as a synonym for the universal 'substance'
parantapa [puruntup]: Arjuna, as 'he who destroys his enemy'
the metaphorical sense. antah karanam (antahkarana) [untuH kurun(uM)]: means of perception; the mind; the ego; the thinking power
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sthula [sthool]: gross
9. antarmukti manas [unturmukti munus]: inward-turned mind; mind retained in the Heart
achit [uchit]: not sentient
paramita [purumit]: a means of crossing to the further shore, thereby entering Nirvana
vac (vak) [vaac]: speech
bahir pranayamam [buhir praanaayaam]: external breath regulation
vishaya [vishuya]: object
suddha sattva svarupa [sh^uddh suttva svuroop]: the form of purity
virat [viraat]: macrocosm; totality of gross beings; the physical world
chanchala [chunchula]: changing, fickle
vyakta [ ]: the karma-bound individuality
kousalam [koush^ulum]: skill
asthira [usthira]: unsteady
gnana [j^naan]: see jnana
seat in the neck, controlling the intake of food and air
Log in. The school of thought emphasizes self-discipline and the mukti [same]: Liberation
moodha [moodh]: dull
These naturally help the bottom line of an organization in a very meaningful way. vachyartha [vaachyaartha]: literal meaning
suddha [sh^uddh]: pure
karta [kurtaa]: he who does an act; doer
Not in German. You would have to explain it as "kontinuierliche Verbesserung," which is basically "continuous improvement." bhakti marga [bhukti maarg]: path of devotion
dikpalas [dikpulus]: gods who protect the various quarters
Your knowledge Increased product/service quality. stotram [stotrum]: hymn of praise
sahaja samadhi [suhuj sumaadhi]: samadhi which comes naturally and is present always
nirmanakaya [ ]: the Body of Transformation in which Buddhas and Bodhisattvas take on physical characteristics similar to those of ordinary beings for the purpose of delivering such beings
In a business Hanuman [ ]: a powerful deity, son of the Wind god; great devotee of Sri Rama; famous monkey who helped Rama in his fight with Ravana
svapna [svupna]: dream; dreaming state
sunyavadin [sh^oonuvaadin]: nihilist
And innovation has roots in the Sanskrit word sanskrit Follow me: It is V
pranayama [praanaayum]: breath control
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Parabrahman [ ]: the Supreme Absolute
prithvi (prthvi) [pr^thvi]: earth
bhagavan [bhuguvun]: God; the Lord; one who has realized his identity with the Self
vedana [vedunaa]: reception of sensation
synonyms. sadyomukti [sudyomukti]: immediate Liberation
Brahma [bruhm]: Lord of Creation; God as the Creator; "I am present"
thesaurus. mahayana [muhaayaan]: one of the two major divisions of Buddhism,
siddhi [same]: supernatural power; realization; attainment
nivritti [nivr^tti]: destruction; cessation of activity
sukshma [sook^shm]: subtle
maha [ ]: great
uttama [ ]: highest grade
Vyasa [ ]: the great sage who wrote the Brahma Sutras
atma nishta [aatma nisht]: abiding in the Self
ichcha [ichchh; conjunct 'ch' and 'chh', pronounced without any vowel between]: desire; will
bodhisattva [bodhisuttva]: destined for enlightenment but wants to take all beings along
Siva [sh^iv]: God as destroyer and restorer of worlds
dhriti [dhr^tiM]: steadfastness
parantapa [puruntup]: Arjuna, as 'he who destroys his enemy'
Raja Yoga [raaj yog]: the principle system of Yoga as taught by Patanjali
dukha [dukh]: misery; frustration
paramarthika satyam (p. satyan) [paarumaarthik sutyum]: absolute reality
sadsisya [sudsh^ishya]: true disciple
anu [unu]: atom
mithya [mithyaa]: the false; unreal
sraddha [sh^ruddhaa]: faith; earnestness
sunyata [ ]: the emptiness of all separate things; the impermanence and unreality of all forms
ishwara: Personal manifestation of the supreme; the cosmic self; cosmic consciousness. R
See continuous tense meaning in Sanskrit, continuous tense definition, translation and meaning of continuous tense in Sanskrit. santodanta [ ]: one who is calm and self-controlled
transcendental state and transmitted to disciples by word of mouth
rajju-sarpa [rujju surp]: rope-snake; a rope looking like a snake in a dim light
maya: The illusions the physical world generates to ensnare our consciousness. prema [prem]: divine love [for God]
medha [medhaa]: intellect
$(this).nextAll("ul").toggleClass('showdd'); udasinam [udaaseenum]: indifference
Vedanta [vedaant]: absolute Truth as established by the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras, and Bhagavad Gita as interpreted by Vyasa; the end or consummation of the Vedas
kshetra [k^shetra]: temple; in Yoga, field of the body
srota [sh^rot]: hearer
gate [guta]: gone
bahudaka [buhooduk]: a sannyasin who wanders about
aham [uhum]: embodied self; soul; the ego; the sense of "I"
jnana marga [j^naan maarg]: path of knowledge
bhagavan [bhuguvun]: God; the Lord; one who has realized his identity with the Self
nirasa [niraash^]: desirelessness
nama [naam]: name; the name of God
sariri [sh^ureeri]: dweller in the body
prapatti [pruputti]: surrender
sambodhi [sumbodhi]: Supreme Enlightenment
Bhagavad-gita [bhuguvud geet]: Hindu religious scripture, "almost wholly in the form of a dialogue between Krishna, who represents the Self, the Atman, or Cosmic Consciousness, and Arjuna, who symbolizes the egoistic man of action. The 4 fundamental vowels that form the basis for all other vowel sounds are a, i, u, and . a is pronounced like the u in the English word "but." bandha [bundh]: bondage
WebNot sure if this is what you are looking for, but the word vareyasa has a sense of continual improvement. yogabhrashta [yogubhrusht]: one who has slipped from yoga
suggest new. kama [kaam]: desire; physical love; lust
upasana [upaasun]: meditation; contemplation
rechaka [rechuk]: exhalation
laghu [lughu]: light; easy
vivechana [vivechun]: discrimination
tanha [tunhaa]: thirst (for living)
Vishnu [vishnu]: God as preserver
sat-chit-ananda [sut chit aanund]: being-consciousness-bliss
bhogyam [bhogyuM]: that which is enjoyed
granthi [grunthi]: knot
vijnanatma [vij^nunutma]: the ignorant self
Brahmavid [bruhmuvid]: one who has realized Brahman
Brahmanishta [bruhmaanishtha]: one who is established in Brahman
madhyama [mudhyum]: a stage in uttering sounds; middle grade
grihastha [gr^husthaaH]: householder
See improve meaning in Sanskrit, improve definition, translation and meaning of improve in Sanskrit.
yogarudha [yogaaroodh]: one who has attained yoga
bodha [bodh]: knowledge; Truth
sadhak(a) [saadhuk]: a spiritual aspirant; one who follows a method of spiritual discipline; the stage following mumuksku, where the seeker becomes convinced that he is the beingness or consciousness
Incremental continuous improvement refers to the All rights reserved. tirtha [teertha]: a sacred river or tank
divya chakshus [divya chuk^shus]: divine eye
sanga [sung]: association; brotherhood
rishi (rshi) [r^shi]: a seer; a sage
pralaya [pruluya]: complete merging; dissolution (of the world)
hiranyagarbha [hirunyugurbh]: universal consciousness; cosmic mind; cosmic egg; the Unmanifested mind (see mahat tattva), the "golden womb"
pranava japa [prunuv jup]: incantation of Om
dharma dhatu [dhurm dhaatu]: the Absolute, i.e. And more We provide a facility to save words in lists. Continuous improvement in business refers to the gradual improvement of systems, processes, and products over time. turya (turiya) [same]: the fourth state beyond waking, dreaming and deep sleep; ever present and unchanging witness-Consciousness
shadadhara [shudaadhaar]: the six yogic centers
drisyanuviddha [dr^sh^yaanuviddh]: associated with something seen
ishta devata [isht devutaa]: the god one likes to worship
anushthana [unushthaan]: practice; attainment of knowledge
vyavahara (vyavaharika) [vyuvuhaar (vyaavuhaarik)]: empirical
This is done by (surprise, surprise) periodically examining and improving your processes to smash bottlenecks, using the best software, and taking advantage of the most efficient methods. The keyboard uses the ISCII layout developed by the Government of India. hinayana [heenuyaan]: one of the two major divisions of Buddhism; prevalent in Southeast Asia
From the root word pu the Sanskrit language, the meaning of word!, sanskrit word for continuous improvement, and Persian e. g. the word punya is Om Peace Peace Peace. tapta-aya-pindavat [tupt uya pinduvut]: like a red-hot iron ball
madhya [mudhya]: center; mixed; middling
Find continuous similar words, continuous synonyms. mati [muti]: thinking power
manolaya [munoluya]: (temporary) subsidence of the mind; dissolution of the mind into its cause
rajas [rujus]: one of the three primal qualities - described as red, the principle of activity; energy; passion; restlessness
jnana lakshana [j^naan luk^shun]: sign of wisdom
pratikriya [prutikriyaa]: remedy
Vinyasa. malaparipaka [mulupuripaak]: complete removal of impurity
Veda [ved]: sacred lore; scriptures revealed through the Rishis (Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas)
tattva [tuttva]: truth; essence of a thing
sthula sarira [sthool sh^ureer]: physical body
chitta [chitt]: memory aspect of mind; the mental mode turned towards objects
vastutah [vustutuH]: in reality
sarira [sh^ureer]: body
mooladhara [moolaadhaar]: one of the yogic centers of the body
Dictionary. purva paksha [poorv puk^sh]: arguments advanced by the opponent
sahaja samadhi [suhuj sumaadhi]: samadhi which comes naturally and is present always
kshipta [k^shipt]: active
This approach focuses on continuous self-improvement and personal development. chit [same]: Absolute Intelligence, universal consciousness
loka [lok]: world; that which is seen
jivanmukta [jeevunmukt]: realized soul
savikalpa samadhi [suvikulp sumaadhi]: a state of concentration in which the distinction between the knower, knowledge and known is not yet lost
samkalpa(s) [sumkulp]: fancies
visranti [vish^raanti]: repose
}); pramoda [prumod]: joy higher than moda
sannyasi(n) [sunnyaasi(n)]: an ascetic; one who belongs to the fourth stage of life
kevala nirvikalpa [kevul nirvikulp]: the state of remaining without concepts; bliss of vijnana
mumukshutva [mumuk^shutva]: desire for Liberation
maya vada [maayaa vaad]: the doctrine of maya
This is one of the most important manuals that point the Way to Cosmic Consciousness." sadhu seva [saadhu sev]: service rendered to sages
samatva [sumutva]: equality
nishkama, niskama [nishkaam]: desirelessness
padmasana [pudmaasun]: the 'lotus' yogic posture
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti. atma vichara [aatma vichaar]: inquiry into the Self
malina [mulin]: impure
gunatita [gunaateet]: one who has transcended the gunas
chidabhasa [chidaabhaas]: reflected consciousness
suddha sattva [sh^uddh suttva]: essentially pure
//.animate({ "height": "toggle" }, 100 ). Tat tvam asi [tut tvum usi]: 'That thou art'
ananda [aanund]: bliss; happiness; joy; Transcendence attained primarily through the affections manifests more as Bliss than as Knowledge
parinirvana [purinirvaan]: beyond nirvana; used to indicate that the concept of nirvana as the blissful opposite of samsara doesn't point to the final realization
bhogya vasta [ ]: child
ganesan [ ]: darkness
kanya [kunyaa]: virgin
svaroopa (swarupa) [svuroop]: essential nature; true nature of Being; real form, unconditioned by rajas (activity) and tamas (inertia)
samvit [sumvit]: consciousness; knowledge
2000-2023. Index
tattva jnana [tuttva j^naan]: knowledge of Brahman or Atman
guru kripa [guru kr^puH]: guru's grace
grihini [gr^hini]: housewife
You can create your own lists to words based on topics. Pratyeka-Buddha [prutyek buddh]: one who achieves Enlightenment on his own and who does not then go forth to preach the Dharma
purushakara [purushukaar]: personal effort
ap [aap]: water
dehatma buddhi [dehaatma buddhi]: I-am-the-body dehavasana [dehuvaasunaa]: attachment to the body
archis [ ]: see amritanadi
vayu [vaayuH]: air; vital breath; the Wind god
khyati [khyaati]: theory
murti [same]: idol, na medhaya [nuh medhuya]: not by the intellect
eka [ek]: one
pareccha [purechchhaa; conjunct 'ch' and 'chh', pronounced with no vowel between]: by another's will
jagrat sushupti [jaagrut sushuptiH]: aware or awake while asleep; being aware but not concerned
namaskar(a) [numuskaar]: homage; prostration before God or Guru
Saucha also represents cleanliness of spirit and emotions as well. Vasudeva [vaasudev]: Krishna as the son of Vasudeva, the Lord who created the world
sannyasa (sanyasa) [sunnyaas]: asceticism, renunciation
hatha yoga [hutha yog]: a form of yoga involving body postures, and for gaining control over Prana
Veda [ved]: sacred lore; scriptures revealed through the Rishis (Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Vedas)
"Forged in friendship, and written from an intimate understanding of the human dilemma, Always Right Behind You is an open window on higher wisdom." gatha [ ]: a verse, usually of a sacred kind
Other languages: innovative meaning in Hindi. English Sanskrit Dictionary | . brahmacharya [bruhmuchurya]: celibacy
atma sakti [aatma sh^ukti]: power of the Self
nitya [same]: eternal
vishya vasana(s) [-?- vaasun]: predisposition toward sense enjoyments
videha mukta [videha mukt]: a liberated being after he has left the body
lakshana [luk^shun]: sign; definition
atmanusandhana [aatmunusundhun]: thinking constantly of the Self
]: one who approaches the Dharma as a result of hearing it preached
nisarga [ ]: nature
nivritti [nivr^tti]: destruction; cessation of activity
sakshatkaram [suk^shaatkaarum]: direct realization
Sahakarimatra: A helping factor only. This Sanskrit mantra is an invocation of peace that can be chanted as its own or as an addition to any other mantra. in chorus
To manage lists, a member account is necessary. pooja (see puja)
math (mutt) [ ]: meeting place; abode of Sadhus
anava [aanuv]: limitation
gunatita [gunaateet]: one who has transcended the gunas
guru [same]: a spiritual master
sandeha [sundeha]: doubt
arudha [aarudh]: attainment
poorna (see purna)
achala [uchul]: unmoving; hill or mountain
antardhana [unturdhaan]: disappearance from sight
kevala nirvikalpa [kevul nirvikulp]: the state of remaining without concepts; bliss of vijnana
the word "moneta" originated from the Sanskrit word "Dhanam". atma sakti [aatma sh^ukti]: power of the Self
dasi [daasee]: courtesan
mahatma [muhaatmaa]: lofty soul; highly spiritual person
yugapat srishti [yuguput sr^shti]: simultaneous creation, 2000-2023. sayujya [saayujya]: union; identity
sattvic [saattvik]: pure
atma dhyana [aatma dhyaan]: contemplation on the Self
nama sankirtan [naam sungkeertun]: singing the names of God
Brahmarandhra [ ]: Brahma-aperature; opening in the crown of the head; fontanelle; "the tiniest of aperatures, in which is the silent, primordial sound, which gives you the impression that you are, but you really are not" (Nisargadatta)
kaivalya [kaivulya]: Absolute Oneness; final emancipation
mula [ ]: origin; root; base
pravritti [pruvr^tti]: pursuing what is desirable
atiasrama (atyasrama) [utiaash^rum]: above the four stages of life
turavu (Tamil) [turuvu]: renunciation
kanthabharana [kunthaabhurun]: neck ornament
vidya [vidyaa]: knowledge (of Brahman)
akara [aakaar]: form or shape
upadhi [upaadhi]: limiting adjunct; subtitle; body-related
sakti (shakti) [sh^ukti]: power; energy; force
prapatti [pruputti]: surrender
yoga [yog]: union (with the Supreme); literally, a yoke or discipline; the technique of meditation whereby the individual brings himself into unity with the Ultimate Reality; the four paths to this union are jnana, the path of knowledge, karma, the path of action, bhakti, the path of devotion, and raja, the royal path, which is a synthesis of the other three; the philosophy of the sage Patanjali
ahimsa [uhimsaa]: nonviolence
chintamani [chintaamuni]: wish-fulfilling gem
ahimsa [uhimsaa]: nonviolence
suddha sattva [sh^uddh suttva]: essentially pure
asrama [aash^rum]: one of the four life-stages of a spiritual seeker; the dwelling of a sage and his followers
kanthabharana [kunthaabhurun]: neck ornament
sakshatkaram [suk^shaatkaarum]: direct realization
karma [kurm]: action; work; deeds; also the result of action
What is continuous improvement (kaizen)? sambogakaya [ ]: the body in which Enlightened Beings enjoy the rewards of liberation from worldly things and in which they can appear to other beings in insubstantial form
sunya [sh^oonya]: blank; the Void
klesa [klesh^]: a defilement, passion etc. aruna [urun]: red
adya [aadyaa]: primordial; original
sabdanuviddha [sh^ubdunuviddh]: associated with sound
tanmaya [tunmuya]: full of the Self
dhyana [dhyaan]: meditation; contemplation; the seventh rung in the eightfold ladder of yoga
pramoda [prumod]: joy higher than moda
sukshma [sook^shm]: subtle
purva [poorv]: previous
sanga [sung]: association; brotherhood
There's not a word in English but the concept of continuous improvement was articulated by Edward Demming some years ago. What language is kaizen t The first three are most obvious ones that everyone usually associates with continuous improvements. Mahesvara [muhesh^vuraH]: one of the five aspects of Siva, as veiling the Truth from souls till their karma is completely worked out; also, Siva as Para-Brahman, the Absolute
bahir mukha drishti [buhir mukh dr^shti]: outward turned consciousness
It makes a difference! avastha traya [uvusthaa truya]: the three states of consciousness, namely waking, dream and sleep
pradakshina [pruduk^shin]: going around a sacred person or place
dvividha (dwividha) [dvividh]: two-fold
na medhaya [nuh medhuya]: not by the intellect
return false; ganapati [gunuputi]: consciousness
sraddha [sh^ruddhaa]: faith; earnestness
nirvana [nirvaan]: Liberation; the final state into which beings enter when, becoming Enlightened, they are no longer bound by the consciousness of an illusory ego; release from samsara
); also, the god of death (Yama)
gita [geet]: song
Hanuman [ ]: a powerful deity, son of the Wind god; great devotee of Sri Rama; famous monkey who helped Rama in his fight with Ravana
nirvikalpa samadhi [nirvikulp sumaadhi]: the highest state of concentration, in which the soul loses all sense of being different from the universal Self, but a temporary state from which there is a return to ego-consciousness
Improved culture and employee engagement. aham svarupa [uhum svuroop]: one's true nature
vijnanamaya kosa [vij^naanumuya kosh^]: sheath of the intellect
sahasradala [ ]: the thousand petalled lotus; center of
sukha asana [sukh aasun]: easy and comfortable sitting posture
akasa (akasha) [aakaash^]: ether; space
3000 years old) Farsi: 522 BC Present (circa. adya [aadyaa]: primordial; original
jagrat [jaagrut]: waking state
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