training program for 800m and 1500m
The training begins with very general training and building of 2 separate bases (speed and endurance) in the introductive period. 10 to 12 reps of 800m with 400m float. P.M.4 miles easy Sunday 7 x Introductive period: High School: 25-45 miles per week, 34-46 weeks per year. 1500m Training Influence . The Tokyo Olympic finalist showed his class as one of the worlds premier metric milers, dropping a last 800 split that is pure quality. I like to have cycles that last longer than 7 days, because I dont like to be forced to cram in all the training qualities into a 7 day cycle. Progresses to 6x1000m 2 min rec. Track your weight, sleep, hours, fatigue and stress while you train. 7: 5600 rest=4+5+6+7 (3000m) To run a good 800m you need both speed and endurance. Not so much, I know. I will not dwelve too much into physiology in this guide. 3. With the proper training and diet, you can increase your personal record and improve your run. Moderate - Harder Aerobic Runs: These paces are all slower than Lactate Threshold Pace. It is a range of work that most coaches dial in between an 8-15 minute race pace ability. Type of training sessions that should be included in the fundamental period: Long aerobic intervals (800m-1200m) Progression is from speed power to maximum speed to resistance of speed. Visit family and friends, vacation, etc.. $112.49 USD for the first year, billed yearly. Have a plan and keep progressing slowly. It is relatively important to the Type II 800m runner as well, even though he / she may not be able to hang with the sprinters. Conversely, you can read Steve Ovett 800 meter Training: by Coach Harry Wilson. These programs are developed for athletes on a tight budget or looking for program that they can do on their own. (approx 1500m pace). Just keep active and train easy. 3: 10-1515-20 sec hill sprints + leg strength (400-800m pace) Repeat cycle with progression on intervals. Heartbeats per Minute (BPM): Explore the concepts here. In the last week before a competition you dont have the time to really improve any quality, so the goal is just to be well rested on the competition day. The purpose of these intervals is to increase the anaerobic threshold, Vo2 max, and pace at vo2 max. (medium long intervals, basic mileage, strength training, plyometrics). However, an average varsity time for 800m in track is anywhere between 2:20 to 2:50. According to RunnerClick, a typical time to run an 800 is around 2:30. This is the aerobic development window where heavier VO2 pace work is going to be most valuable. Thursday - Circuit. Bundle your plan with TrainingPeaks Premium, and you'll unlock our progress-tracking tools, plus the freedom to move workouts to fit your schedule. Gradual buildup of the training and mileage the next 2-4 weeks. 4. 7x600m 2 min recovery. Make sure easy days are EASY and hard days are HARD. Many say yes. With speed faster than 105% of race pace, you should instead do on the long sprint session (150 meters) The speed sessions during this period is progressed by trying to reduce the recovery between the reps, making you better to run efficient at a high-speed with high accumulation of lactate. 2x(3x300m) 3 min rec. Bringing together the various forms of training: 8 min set rec. They are perfect for building the power and stride before you later train speed at the track. This is merely a sample schedule that may help an uncoached runner, or a new coach, to consider types of workouts at different points of the season. Monitor the Type I runner during these workouts - they may not recover quickly and jeopardize upcoming training days. from Coventry University. 4. I recommend exercises like explosive squats 44 reps and 1 legged explosive step ups. The start of the 800m can either make or break your race strategy, and this could be the difference between a successful or unsuccessful result in your 800m. Increase number of intervals After this period, volumes are going down slightly and intensities are continuing to rise. That confidence comes through challenging workouts and prep races.
It always varies, but generally follows a routine like this: Start with three 400m runs at a pace a little faster than 1500m, with According to RunnerClick, a typical time to run an 800 is around 2:30. Strides also build leg strength over months and years. However, an average varsity time for 800m in track is anywhere between 2:20 to 2:50. 50 min easy jog 2. Also remember that each pace works as a support for running at the other paces. Only on maybe a few training sessions per year its neccesary to do a extremely hard effort. Both types do Max Velocity work weekly as one of the Speed sessions. Type I 800m runners will have 3 EASY speed sessions per week (out of 12-13 sessions per week). 11. For more information, please view all of our programs below.
So first you need to figure out what type of 800m runner you are and then train accordingly. *specific 800m training sessions: 95-105% of race pace. Running the intervals faster, but with longer recovery and reduced total volume. 4. My goal with this guide is to help other runners to improve their performance in the 800m.
2: 50 min easy + strides/short hill sprints. The Type II runner will likely benefit during this period. 10.8x200m @ 100% of race pace. 2 min rest. Examples on how you can progress the medium length aerobic intervals during the special period: 1: 4x(2600)= with increase in speed every 200m and rest of 2 min between reps and 4 min between sets (4800m) (400-800m pace) 3. warmup 30 mins + low volume plyometrics. I can mention that I have a bachelor in sports biology and also been training an athlete being stuck at 2.00 on the 800m for several years to running 1.57 after a few months of coaching. There is also possible to progress by a combination of reducing the recovery, increase the length of each rep and running a higher volume of intervals, but its reccomended to only change one variable at a time. 50 min easy or rest Short and medium Intervals become gradually faster with gradually reduced volume, and longer rec between repetitions. In the regeneration period you can include very short hills of duration of no more than 8 seconds to build power and elasticity in your legs. The coach should be pragmatic in the coaching of athlete, not dogmatic! (multi pace training) But is not combined in any race specific way. 2 min recovery. 1. 2x(3x300m) 3 min rec. I understand that physical activity and the participation in any and/or all of Track Star USAs training programs are potentially Progresses to 3x400m with 4 min rec. Speed: 8x150m rest= 3 min (1500m) 2. Increase total volume of intervals, do not push the pace. Thursday is time to start concentrating on competition day, with warm up and warm down rehearsals plus some strides. The reason is that its too fast for recovery training but still to slow to increase the endurance that is important for 800m, the Vo2 max. 8x400m 90 sec rec. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome to MotleyHealth. 200m - 300m Race Paces: These paces are rarely used in an 800m race, even for the Type I folks, because they will lock the legs up well before the finish. It is also important to work on / review tactical situations - help the runner to identify the situations where getting boxed in occur, when to ride it out, and when to force your way out. Start at 5K pace and gradually get down to 3K pace work by Week 19. WebMy 400m and 800m training programs are versatile and can be used for more than a means to get you your fastest 400m and/or 800m time in 12-20 weeks. 3. How you should progress the intervals during the fundamental period: 1. This WebIt is possible to predict your 400 metres, 1500 metres, 3 km, 5 km, 10 km, Marathon and Marathon times from your current 800 metres time using Frank Horwill's four-second rule for male athletes and Frank Horwill's five-second rule for 5. This person can win the 800m at the collegiate level. I havent had side effects and my iron levels have really improved.. I started to take Spatone before the Olympics in 2008 which has really helped my iron levels. WebThe 800m race is a very fast paced endurance race that is roughly around 50% aerobic and 50% anaerobic. 1. Some nastier hill sessions: 8 x 400 at 93%, for example. Examples on how you can progress the training sessions during the specific period: Reducing the recovery: My view is that the longer runs of less than 1 hour is best used for regeneration purposes and not by trying to build anything with these runs. 2 min rest. What will determine your success in the long-term is the amount of talent you are born with, correct training and consistency. Prepare the body and nervous system for the challenging work in later weeks. WebTraining is very individual and in the process of training you need to find out what types of training works for you and what doesnt. It is a great event! 16.45s x 6 =1.39 on 600m Type II 800m Runner (Mid-Endurance Based) Mileage / Volume. You are getting after workouts like the Metric Mile Test for Sprinters: 5 x 300 on the track with 15 minute recovery, add all your times together for your Sprinters Mile Time. Its time to sharpen your strengths and prepare for the pain of racing. Monday morning is tracks training, concentrating on running and drills, following by an easy loosener run later in the day. So this means that to perform optimally you need to have these qualities present in you training program and you need to always try to improve or maintain them: long endurance, short endurance, speed, strength training and plyometric training. Training in zone 4 rather than zone 3 will probably develop the vo2 max more and also the pace of these intervals will be faster and more running specific to the pace of the 800m. Web6 x 800m Rec: 3 mins 2 x 600 metres Rec: 12 minutes 1600m/1200m/800m/400m Rec: 5 mins/4mins/3 mins Zone 6: Speed and Speed Endurance (Anaerobic Speed) Speed endurance (Anaerobic Speed) pace training can span a wide number of reps and sets and it corresponds to roughly 1500m race pace at the lower end up to a full sprint at the top end. I will now explain the different training periods and the different type of training you should do in each period. + general strength/core (800m pace) Important to know before you start training: There are in my opinion 3 types of 800m runners. The Type I runner likely knows if the Tempo or VO2 work is best for them - hang onto the workout of choice and cut the other more quickly. Access your training plan anywhere on the TrainingPeaks mobile and desktop apps. Vo2Max Pace: Measurement / reflection of Aerobic Power. Most Type II runners will need it as well, but you will find a few exceptions - people who dominate with massive aerobic power. This may look like 6 x 30m fly, 2 x 50m fly, 1 x 60m fly. Thee lasticity and strength of your legs will be trained in a specific way when running hills. With some drills and footwork this athlete may improve significantly in sprinting and endurance ability. Medium paced long runs: Specific period: The Anaerobic Energy System may be sub-divided into the following systems: Anaerobic Glycolytic - no oxygen, effective for less than 2 minutes. You will begin to do some stuff like 3 x 300 very fast. 8. Race Phase. Examples on how you can progress the long aerobic intervals during the special period: 1: 51000/5x1200m at increasing speed per rep and per 400/rest 2+3+4+5 (5000-6000m) My view on speed training is that speed is important of course, but its more important to do long sprint speed rather than acceleration and short speed (40-60m) So my advice is to skip the 60m sprint training at 100% effort and rather do hill sprints or longer sprints on flat surface like for example 100-120m @90-95% effort. Part 1 Prepping Your Body for a Faster Run 1 Eat the right diet. Explore Your Weakness: Make sure you dont miscalculate your strengths or weaknesses without committing about two full seasons (6 months each) of working on your abilities. I have to mention that english is not my native language, so I might be not be using the correct phrases or grammar at times. Strength training should be running specific and be done with a fast explosive execution. The 800m/1500m type will benefit more from lower intensity and more milage. It's based offGreg's theory and philosophy and for the first time, he's opening up an opportunity to dig deep into some of exercises, training parameters, and the type of environment he use to build champions. The medium length intervals works as an aerobic support for your short intervals. You could use either training program to prepare for basic training and/or use any of the workouts for off season, summer, and winter training. High School Runners: Just because you are the fastest 400m, 200m, or 1500m runner at your school does not mean you are fast. Look at the rankings on Milesplit or to see your ranking in the 400 or 1500. 31000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 6+7 + general strength/core (3k pace) The pure 800m runner is the person who has good pbs on 400m and 1500m, but the 800m pb is better than the 400m and 1500m pb. 6: Rest WebThese exercises only required a chair and a box or low table. Your goal is to be able to run longer at the speed of the race, not running faster than race pace. Add some bodyweight exercises at the end of workouts, about 3 times per week. *Short to medium intervals at 80-90% of 800m pace ( 3k+ pace to 1500m+ pace) Lisa Dobriskey is a middle distance runner from Kent, UK. Weeks 1-2: Athlete off. If there is a longer period of time without competition you can also go back to train 2-3 week of training from the special period, with less intensity and larger volume than in the specific period. 400m - 500m Race Paces: These paces are used early on in a hot 800 to get in front of the pack / out of traffic. 3. 90 sec recovery + general strength/core (1500m/3k pace) The Type II 800m runner, however, will find great benefit from these workouts. The concept is more important to me. May only run 2-3 times per week with some cross training. I have not invented anything myself, but I have taken what I have considered the best advice and made it into a system that most people can follow. 3. WebAge Group 18-25. In this period there is a gradual Increase the intensity(speed) of the quality training progressively from week to week. I observe many coaches making this mistake in their coaching. Generall strength: 2. Hills sprints are very beneficial for all type of runners. I dont think there is any need of running longer than 1 hour for the 800m runner. The Extras: If you plan on sticking around and progressing in the 800 meter run, you need to develop your understanding about Drills, Core Work, and Weight Training. In the mens high jump, Trevor Moonin got a tenth place with a 1.75m mark. Did my mistakes in training, had my injuries, overtraining and so on, so I have learned the hard way. Incorporate some kind of hill running at least 1 time per week during base training. High School, College & Open 800m Training Here is a Sample Weekly Cycle: 3. On the mens side of the action, FNUs David Bellefleur got third place in the mens 800m with a time of 1:52.81. 7x600m. Lower volume of sets and reps and high weights. When a runner is training at a heart rate below 130-150 beats per Both athletes may keep doing them, but the total volume will not be nearly as demanding as it was. 7x600m. Fundamental period. Medium rest, for example. 8: 50 min easy jog I recommend to do the last hard interval session (for example: 3x600m@95% of RP or 4x400m @100-105% of RP) no closer than 7 days before the competition. That means focus on sessions at 95-105% of your race pace for your racing distanse. 12. Intervals has finally arrived at specific pace 95-105% during the progression from the special to the spesific period. It can take about two years of consistent work to manage all of these disciplines - I encourage coaches and younger athletes to take the time to teach / learn while in high school. Upload completed workouts from your favorite tracking app or device. Advice on core training, injury prevention exercises, strength training and plyometrics training will also be mentioned in this guide. ( 10k to 1500m pace) 4. Notice that when I am talking about race paces its percentage of your current 800m level, not your goal pace. 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