worst human rights countries 2022
The law permits authorities to deny defendants access to counsel or family members during the initial 96 hours of detention under terrorism-related laws or during the initial 24 hours of detention for all other charges, which can be extended 12 hours with approval of the Prosecutors Office. Observers generally considered corruption a persistent problem, with insufficient governmental checks and balances to reduce its occurrence and local media reported that corruption continued to hamper the countrys development. According to Freedom Houses 2022 Freedom in the World report, the press enjoyed a significant degree of freedom when reporting on economic and social policies, but authorities used an array of financial and legal mechanisms to punish critical journalists (see section 1.e., Political Prisoners). With Autocrats on the Defensive, Can Democrats Rise to the Occasion. Build a Custom Report. The country also ranked for non-sexual violence, including domestic abuse. Moumni, a former Moroccan citizen, was incarcerated in Morocco for 18 months between 2010 and 2012 on charges related to involvement in an alleged immigration fraud scheme. At all classifications, prisoners may receive visits, although the length, frequency, and number of visitors may vary. There were reports of disappearances by or on behalf of government authorities during the year. According to its prisoner classification guide, the DGAPR placed restrictions on the level of visits, recreation, and types of educational programming for higher-risk prisoners. Of the countries with a high risk of violations, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Mali and Guinea-Bissau have seen the worst deterioration of their human rights situation, according to the report. In addition to the voluntary returns, NGOs reported cases of security forces expelling irregular migrants across the border to Algeria. The law provides for freedom of internal movement, foreign travel, emigration, and repatriation, and the government generally respected these rights, although it limited movement to areas experiencing widespread unrest. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. The National Council on Human Rights (CNDH), a publicly funded national human rights institution, continued to cooperate with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on unresolved cases of disappearance prior to 1992. Per the Arab Barometer, 72 percent of citizens viewed corruption as prevalent in state institutions and agencies. Even though this parameter would probably show as better for our discussion about the worst human rights countries in 2021, we didnt choose it as a primary one since the data comes from the previous year. WebA 2020 report by the U.S. State Department accused Azerbaijan of a wide variety of human rights abuses, including "unlawful or arbitrary killing", "heavy restrictions on free expression, the press, and the internet", and "the worst forms of child labor". Availability of Legal Gender Recognition: Legal gender recognition is not available. It reports: In 2022, the HRD Memorial investigated and verified the killings of 401 HRDs in 26 countries. Notably, of the 401 human rights defenders killed in 2022, 186 were in Colombia, 45 in Mexico, 17 in Honduras, and 4 in Guatemala, countries where PBI physically accompanies at-risk human rights defenders. Criminalization: The law criminalizes consensual same-sex sexual activity, with a maximum sentence of three years in prison for convictions. Authorities said they opened an investigation into the incident, but no results were released as of years end. The law presumes that defendants are innocent. Somalia, where more than two decades of war has put women, who were the traditional ministry of the family, under attack. The Justice and Charity Organization, a Sunni Islamist movement that rejects the kings spiritual authority, remained banned but largely tolerated, although authorities continued to monitor its activities. Strikes and pickets are illegal and workers involved in either face threats and harassment by both employers and government officials. Several NGOs complained that the government used administrative delays and other methods to suppress or discourage unwanted peaceful assembly. Human rights organizations and the African Union called for an investigation into the excessive use of force. The law requires the DGSN, Prosecutor Generals Office, Supreme Judicial Court, and Ministries of Health, Youth, and Women to have specialized units that coordinate with one another on cases involving gender-based violence. Informal Sector: A Moroccan Central Bank study indicated that 30 percent of Moroccos GDP depended on the informal sector. The Amazigh are an indigenous people of North Africa. Get our editors daily picks straight in your inbox! The CNDH reported there were 31 different associations that engaged with the prisons to provide services such as medical care, victim care, and skills training. The Ministry of Family, Solidarity, Equality, and Social Development has responsibility for protecting the rights of persons with disabilities and attempted to integrate persons with disabilities into society by implementing a quota of 7 percent for persons with disabilities in vocational training in the public sector and 5 percent in the private sector. WebThese Countries Care the Most About Human Rights. What are the Key Findings of the India Justice Report 2022? Even after obtaining a residence card, their vulnerability was reinforced by lack of access to the formal economy, pushing them to the margins of society, compounding their problems. Amnesty International reported in December that at least 77 persons were missing following their attempt to cross the border into Spains Melilla enclave in June (see section 2.e.). The code of criminal procedure considers preventive detention an exceptional measure. Nonetheless, approximately 42 percent of the total prison population were pretrial detainees, consistent with the trend of the past decade. Overview Since 1992, Ghana has held competitive multiparty elections and undergone peaceful transfers of power between the two main political parties. In October Pan Africa ILGA (PAI), the African regional organization of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, reported criminalization and a lack of legal protection leave LGBTIQ+ persons highly vulnerable and without access to proper recourse or redress. PAI further stated that the laws also served to perpetuate societal prejudice against them, fueling harassment, discrimination and violence. Many LGBTQI+ persons were not comfortable reporting problems to police because LGBTQI+ activity is illegal. Reporters Without Borders described his trial as tainted by irregularities, and his defense lawyers were not permitted even to consult the indictment issued by the investigating judge. The country was elected to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in October for three years beginning January 1, 2023; however, the government does not issue standing invitations to UN special procedure mandate holders. The kingdom of Saudi is ranked fifth dangerous place in terms of economic access and discrimination, including in the workplace and in terms of property rights. Censorship or Content Restrictions for Members of the Press and Other Media, Including Online Media: Self-censorship and government restrictions on sensitive topics remained serious hurdles to the development of a free, independent, and investigative press. Human rights activists alleged trials sometimes appeared politicized in cases involving Islam as it related to political life and national security, the legitimacy of the monarchy, and Western Sahara. Redesigning supply chain. That figure represents 62% of the global total. The government may intervene in strikes by choosing to criminalize them. China China makes the top ten for widespread cases abuses, workers employed in precarious work and the country's lack of due process. The government cooperated with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, returning refugees, asylum seekers, and other persons of concern. His brother Jaouad El Fayek, president of the prefectural council in Fez, was sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 50,000 Moroccan dirhams ($4,790) for influence peddling and illegal transfer of land. Regional and professional bodies indirectly elect members of parliaments less powerful Chamber of Counselors. Three other police officers were subjected to administrative investigation for mistreatment of detainees. The law prohibits certain categories of government employees, including members of the armed forces, police, and some members of the judiciary, from forming and joining unions and from conducting strikes. The average Afghan girl will live to only 45 one year less than an Afghan male.
The law provides for a 44- to 48-hour maximum workweek with no more than 10 hours work in a single day, premium pay for overtime, paid public and annual holidays, and minimum conditions for health and safety, including limitations on night work for women and minors. The degree of helpfulness from police in responding to an incident appeared to stem mostly from a police officers personal feelings regarding the LGBTQI+ community. As in previous years, NGOs asserted that corruption and extrajudicial influence weakened judicial independence. WebThe countries with the highest human rights and rule of law index scores are located in Africa, East Asia, and Middle East. National Security: Authorities used counterterrorism and national security laws to arrest or punish critics of the government or deter criticism of government policies or officials (see the case of Maati Monjib in section 2.d., Foreign Travel). The government maintained that the return of third-country nationals to their country of origin was coordinated with diplomatic legations that endorsed these departures and issued the appropriate papers. Laws on combatting terrorism permit the government to block websites. In those cases, under standard operating procedures, officers were required to give the crowd three warnings that force would be used if they did not disperse. Courts maintained victims of abuse cells that brought together prosecutors, lawyers, judges, womens NGO representatives, and hospital personnel to review domestic abuse cases, including child abuse, to provide for the best interests of women or children. Prison conditions were harsh and life threatening in some prisons due to overcrowding. If strong and corroborated evidence is raised against this person, [the officer] can keep them in custody for a maximum of three days with the written authorization of the prosecutor. The Antiterrorism Act allows initial detention of a terrorism suspect for 12 days. preventing practices likely to lead directly or indirectly to torture or mistreatment and engaging with authorities on human rights obligations. Political Parties and Political Participation: A political party may not legally challenge Islam as the state religion, the institution of the monarchy, or the countrys territorial integrity. Quick Find: There were also reports of parents forcing lesbian or bisexual daughters to marry men and live as heterosexuals. The law concerning strikes requires compulsory arbitration of disputes, prohibits sit-ins, and calls for a 10-day notice of a strike. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Government, Section 5. Women university students reported in the 2021-22 academic year that professors demanded sexual favors in return for good grades, including at the National School of Commerce and Management in Oujda, the King Fahd Institute of Translation in Tanger, and the Faculty of Settat. Access to Asylum: The law provides for the granting of refugee status. Media reported in 2021 that there were 961 cases of child abuse, of which 405 were cases of sexual abuse. While authorities generally permitted relatives and friends to visit prisoners, there were reports that authorities denied visiting privileges in some instances. The CNDH and the DGAPR effectively served the function of an ombudsperson, and a system of letterboxes in prisons to facilitate prisoners right to submit complaints regarding their imprisonment. Although there were allegations of vote buying and candidate intimidation, domestic and international observers considered the elections generally free, fair, and transparent. Share this via Printer, Human Rights Watch defends the rights of people in close to 100 countries worldwide, spotlighting abuses and bringing perpetrators to justice, Human Rights Watch is a 501(C)(3)nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 13-2875808. Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is a crime punishable by up to six months in prison and a fine up to 10,000 Moroccan dirhams ($958) if the offense takes place in a public space or by insinuations through texts, audio recording, or pictures. An official who neglects to refer a claimed or observed arbitrary or illegal detention to his superiors may be punished by demotion. The law gives the government power to unilaterally dissolve or deregister unions. The law states, in the case of a flagrant offense, the Judicial Police Officer has the right to keep the suspect in detention for 48 hours. WebAnswer (1 of 4): Selective and hypocritical criticism of human rights is a tool for US international politics; China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba and even Russia! Geographically speaking, nations in the Middle East and North Africa account for the vast majority of the countries in the "extreme risk" category. It also maintained contact with unregistered NGOs and occasionally investigated cases raised by them, especially those that drew attention on the internet or in international media. The law criminalizes criticism of Islam, of the legitimacy of the monarchy, of state institutions, of government and military officials, and of the governments positions regarding territorial integrity and Western Sahara. PBI-Guatemala accompanies Human Rights Law Firm at hearing for 21-year-old student accused of graffiti inside Congress building, PBI-Honduras accompanies Guapinol community in artistic workshop that sows seeds of hope to continue fight against mega-mining, Front Line Defenders Global Analysis report notes threats against Juan Carlos Flores Sols and Miryam Vargas Teutle, 401 human rights defenders killed in 2022: Front Line Defenders Global Analysis 2022 report. Several NGOs provided hotlines, shelter, resources, guidance, and legal support to survivors of domestic violence. Local media reported the Benguerir judicial police opened an investigation into the death of a man in police custody on October 6. The Institution of the Mediator (akin to a national ombudsperson) helped resolve civil matters that did not clear the threshold to merit involvement of the judiciary, including cases involving civil society registration issues (see section 2.b., Freedom of Association). Local NGOs asserted that prison facilities did not provide adequate access to health care and did not accommodate the needs of prisoners with disabilities. Sixth most dangerous country for women in the world. According to Freedom Houses 2022 report, arrests of journalists, bloggers, and activists for critical speech serve as a deterrent to uninhibited debate among the broader population.. A large majority, up to 85 percent, of women in Afghanistan give birth with no medical attention. Access to NGO resources was limited and specific to larger cities. Second in the list of worst countries for women in the world. Penalties for sexual exploitation of children under the criminal code range from two years to life imprisonment and monetary fines. The constitution recognizes the Jewish community as part of the countrys population and guarantees everyone the freedom to practice his religious affairs. Community leaders estimated the size of the Jewish population at 3,500. Publications and broadcast media require government accreditation, and the government may deny and revoke accreditation as well as suspend or confiscate publications that breach public order or criticize Islam, the institution of the monarchy, or the governments positions on territorial integrity. Since 1996, more than 200,000 rapes have been reported in the country. And in Cuba, courts have issued draconian jail sentences to hundreds of people for protesting for their rights. Most prisons assigned each prisoner a designated visit day to manage the number of visits to the prison. Penalties for violating the Domestic Worker Law range from fines to one to three months of imprisonment in cases of repeated offenses. Violence and Harassment: Authorities subjected some journalists to harassment and intimidation, including attempts to discredit them through harmful rumors about their personal lives. The attackers reportedly used homophobic slurs during the attack based on the victims attire. Authorities did not consistently respect these limits. The 2023 Finance Bill included an allocation of 300 million Moroccan dirhams ($27.5 million) to the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform to accelerate the integration of the Amazigh language in public administrations. Although the stated purpose of the law was to combat terrorism, authorities retain discretion to define terms such as national security and public order, and under the penal code the government can seek fines of up to 200,000 Moroccan dirhams ($19,100) for publishing content online seen as disruptive to public order, with the maximum fine of 500,000 Moroccan dirhams ($47,900) if the content offends the military. Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system under which ultimate authority rests with King Mohammed VI, who presides over the Council of Ministers, although executive authority is shared with Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch. The government also prosecuted individuals for expressing certain ideological views online. Organizations without receipts are not formally registered. The report added that OHCHR continued to receive reports of harassment, expulsion, and denied entry of human rights defenders covering human rights violations. 10. Authorities sometimes did not notify the family or lawyers promptly of the arrest, and the families and lawyers were not able to monitor compliance with detention limits and treatment of the detainee. Police were slow to act in domestic violence cases, and the government generally did not enforce the law and sometimes returned women against their will to abusive homes. Penalties for violations were not commensurate with those for similar crimes, such as fraud, and were sometimes applied against violators. According to government sources and NGOs, prison overcrowding was due in large part to an underutilized system of bail or provisional release, a severe backlog in cases, and lack of judicial discretion to reduce the length of prison sentences for specific crimes. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, a. In some instances, judges released defendants on their own recognizance. Courts have the authority to reinstate workers dismissed arbitrarily and may enforce rulings that compel employers to pay damages and back pay. Enforcement procedures were subject to lengthy delays and appeals. These specialized units receive and process cases of gender-based violence and provide psychological support and other services to victims. Defendants are then informed of final charges at the conclusion of the full investigatory period, which may last several months. As a result, the plan was extended to 2023. Apart from these two, freedom of speech, right to a fair trial, protection of physical integrity (which now seem more familiar in terms of not being respected even in liberal countries) all belong to human rights.
There were credible reports of political prisoners or detainees. On March 10, the Rabat Court of First Instance sentenced 44 protesters from the April 2021 demonstration to two months of suspended prison sentences and a fine of 1,000 Moroccan dirhams ($96) each for violation of the state of health emergency, assault and battery, and insults against members of the forces of order, as well as participation in an unauthorized demonstration (see section 2.b.). The organization regularly faced difficulties renewing the registration of its offices, which impeded its ability to carry out basic functions. According to the law, women are entitled to a share of inherited property, but a womans share of inheritance is generally half of what a man would receive. Amnesty International and HRW highlighted numerous cases in which freedom of expression was restricted.
Authorities generally respected these timelines; however, in at least one high-profile case, authorities conducted lengthy investigations and charges remained pending past the allowed timeline. How Does InventHelp Assist New Inventors with Invention Ideas?
In July 2021 the government filed lawsuits in France against Amnesty International and the French media organization Forbidden Stories for defamation and spreading false news, following a report that the government used Pegasus spyware developed by the Israeli company NSO Group to monitor dissidents, human rights activists, and other high-profile individuals. The complaint said the officer assaulted the minor when she was filing a complaint against a neighbor. What are the Key The UK-based rights organisation published its annual 2022 report on Tuesday, highlighting the state of human rights in 156 countries. International and local NGOs continued to raise concerns regarding the lack of fair trial guarantees afforded to Radi. Police arrested the mother, and the girl was taken to the hospital to be treated for her injuries. The Ministry of Interior required NGOs to register before being recognized as legal entities, but there was no comprehensive national registry publicly available. Also one of the worst countries for women in terms of having access to economic resources. A judge is supposed to monitor cases monthly of detained minors. Inspectors do not have punitive power and cannot independently levy fines or other punishments. 2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Nauru. Ministry of Interior required NGOs to register before being recognized as Legal entities but. The list of worst countries for women in the country also ranked non-sexual... Served to perpetuate societal prejudice against them, fueling harassment, discrimination and violence Find there... Detention an exceptional measure of Moroccos GDP depended on the victims attire asserted. And other methods to suppress or discourage unwanted peaceful assembly limited and specific to cities... Inspectors do not have punitive power and worst human rights countries 2022 not independently levy fines other. Practices: Nauru and Lack of Transparency in government, Section 5 preventing likely... 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