epilepsy and neurodiversity

For individuals battling neurodiverse conditions, many local organizations offer services to help families in the area in need of assistance. Despite having challenges, many individuals who are neurodiverse can have a successful career and be an asset to a company. In my case, I consider it being a neurodiversity. Reviewing the ways in which psychology is and is not a science. Either science is right or there is a spiritual realm. Professeur agrg de neurosciences computationnelles et neurophysiologie, LUniversit dOttawa/University of Ottawa, Neurosurgeon/neuroscientist, University of Toronto. and Pisano, G.P. Sound sensitivity: Offer a quiet break space, communicate expected loud noises (like fire drills), offer noise-cancelling headphones. Winded, but correct. I am disabled and I openly admit it. 0 Likewise, autism spectrum disorder is a condition that can take many different forms, many of which happen in people who dont have ASD. Epilepsy and seizure disorders. Try to give advance notice if plans are changing, and provide a reason for the change. However I understand that this is a highly personally stance and everybody sees it differently. OK, fine for them. All are neurological/neurodevelopmental. But if you don't feel comfortable seeing it that way, then don't force yourself to do so. Knowledge about neurodiversity and respectful language is also important for clinicians, so they can address the mental and physical health of people with neurodevelopmental differences. Understanding the characteristics of the epilepsy Ive had seizures since I was a child. Dyscalculia.org. neurodiversity understanding acceptance autism part avaz I believe epilepsy should be considered neurodiverse for a lot of reasons. Harvard Health says, "Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits.". Office 2021 Office 2019 Microsoft Teams. Sign up to get tips for living a healthy lifestyle, with ways to fight inflammation and improve cognitive health, plus the latest advances in preventative medicine, diet and exercise, pain relief, blood pressure and cholesterol management, andmore. This goes beyond medical conditions of any kind. We face other additional challenges as a result of our brain function. The word neurodiversity refers to the diversity of all people, but it is often used in the context of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as well as other neurological or developmental conditions such as ADHD or learning disabilities. People with epilepsy face many of the social and psychological challenges as ADHD or Autism. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Plus, get a FREE copy of the Best Diets for Cognitive Fitness. To answer this complex question, we turned to mathematics. I mean I guess but Id still be neurodivergent if epilepsy isnt neurodivergence NVLD epileptics rise. However, some neurological disorders can be associated with developmental disorders that are considered neurodiverse. Our approach of using interdisciplinary methods and mathematics allows us to go further and understand better how diversity increases resilience, providing invaluable cues and answering hard questions such as: Is there an optimal level of diversity? Similarly, the concept of neurological pathology was first discussed by the Hippocratics in Ancient Greece, who associated both madness and epilepsy with the While many disability advocacy organizations prefer person-first language ("a person with autism," "a person with Down syndrome"), some research has found that the majority of the autistic community prefers identity-first language ("an autistic person"). Although epilepsy is obviously a disorder, I think the social model of disability applies more often than not. The CDC identified one in 44 children at age 8 in the U.S. with autism. Most people's brains don't give them seizures, and we do have to live our lives around it. 40 hour work week. Baggage includes poor self-esteem, lack of confidence, and the feeling that we are somehow wrong. Resources. How to Spot Dyscalculia. Retrieved from:https://ieautism.org/home-default/resources/seizures/, Autistic UK (2020). hU]HSa~wtTF["X2DcZ[yVf`"Xt.D0n#a&Y^t`Wml:9=> @R\R:Hn ;~c3B@vB8TOUa1RAlo}DA> p-;ziqL this of course includes epilepsy. They both come with challenges, but I do believe they are variations of human neurology and psychology. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. It is a medical disorder and requires treatment, research, and education. Mayo Clinic. None are mental health issues. We found that neurons in the brain regions responsible for triggering seizures were much less diverse than those in regions not responsible for seizures. These results are helping us look at neurological diseases such as epilepsy differently than we did before, potentially opening up new avenues on how to treat them. It's not just a different way of thinking, learning, or behaving. I am the same person I was when I started having seizures; I just fall on the ground and shake sometimes. WebShe is autistic, dyslexic, dyspraxic and has ADHD. As Walker indicated, following Kuhn, to claim that there is a pathology paradigm is to claim that a certain set of assumptions and axioms that were suggested at some historical point, and later adopted by a community of scientists (in this case, psychologists, psychometricians, etc.) (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33912110/). Mayo Clinic. People with Tourette Syndrome may have difficulty processing what they hear or see. I think its important that Epilepsy be identified as neurodiversity because its true. The term neurodivergent came from the related term neurodiversity. Judy Singer, an Australian sociologist, coined the word neurodiversity in 1998 to recognize that everyones brain develops in a unique way. Therefore, rather than making assumptions, it is best to ask directly about a persons preferred language, and how they want to be addressed. Most importantly, our results also provide a powerful reminder of the primordial role diversity plays in the robustness of systems in the face of change: which holds true not only for neurons and circuits, but for humans and collectives as well. It highlights that people naturally think about things differently. 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, Important Updates + Notice of Vendor Data Event. The reason for this is that "normality" is a 19th-century invention, stemming from early statistician such as Adolphe Quetelet in the 1830s (as stressed by Judy Singer in her seminal neurodiversity thesis). Autism is a developmental disability that can cause significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. Some of the most important things you should keep in mind include: Neurodiversity is a word used to explain the unique ways peoples brains work. Because of that, theres no definition of normal capabilities for the human brain. Epilepsy brains quite literally function differently from normal brains, at least some of the time, if not always. Sure, removing autism is way more drastic and maybe comparing the two is too much but I do think that removing the part of me that deals with epilepsy and restoring the good memory I used to have would alter me as a person. I just cant wrap my mind around it right now for myself. I would absolutely be a different person if I didnt have these experiences. Neurodivergent is a nonmedical term that describes people whose brains develop or work differently for some reason. Acceptance is one thing and we must encourage it. Dysgraphia is a learning disability that results in impaired handwriting. Yes, many people who are neurodivergent are accomplished and successful. Dr. Baumer is director of the Boston Children's Hospital Down Syndrome Program. We will discuss: People who identify themselves as neurodivergent typically have one or more of the conditions or disorders such as autism, ADHD, epilepsy, dyslexia, OCD, Tourette syndrome or an acquired neurodivergence Julia Frueh, MD, is a fifth-yearchild neurology resident at Boston Children's Hospital. It is. Neurodivergent isnt a medical term, condition or diagnosis. WebEpilepsy Misophonia Neurodiversity Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Parkinsons Disease Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Tourettes Syndrome Read More Missed a previous newsletter? WebAccessibility tools for neurodiversity. Wow. (2017). They can't both be true. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. By that definition, pretty much any psychological disorder will fit because they cause people and their brains to not function "normally". It is estimated that around 1 in 7 people in the UK have some kind of neuro difference. There is a growing recognition of the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion in society and its Instead, the research shows people who know about the idea of being neurodivergent use that knowledge to adapt and help them succeed. They can refer you to a specialist or other providers who can determine if you have a medical disorder, condition or other brain-related difference that might explain why your brain works differently. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation US, Inc. Epilepsy is the most common serious neurological disorder. I dont know. The ability of natural systems to resist change is a characteristic known as resilience. Just bc a label applies to you doesn't mean you have to use it. People with epilepsy may not be able to do everything, but most of us could do a whole lot more if we had a fair chance. This is a complex condition and a large amount of people with the condition may also experience other disorders or conditions, such as anxiety. - Harvard Health Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits. (https://hbr.org/2017/05/neurodiversity-as-a-competitive-advantage), (https://autism-all-stars.org/famous-faces/), (https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/fundamentals/relations/diversity/neurodiversity-work). Fully agreed. There is a growing recognition of the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion in society and its institutions. Neurodiversity describes the concept that some conditions like autism should be treated a diversity in brain function, not as a disorder. Epilepsy is sometimes found along side ADHD and Autism. as someone with epilepsy who likes to learn more about neurodiversity i'm just curious about others' opinions on this. Neurodiversity describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22545843/). WebIn celebration of Purple Day, I will be writing some posts for epilepsy awareness throughout the day. Instead, the suffering may result from the barriers imposed by societal norms, causing social exclusion and inequity. Neuro diversity is about how you experience life because of your neurology, notabout your exact dx. Jrmie Lefebvre has received funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). There are over half a million people with epilepsy in the UK, so around 1 in 100 people. I dont. They provide key insights about the role played by different types of neurons in maintaining brain function. Rather than thinking there from what ive seen/told neurodivergence is basically any way that a brain works differently from a typical brain. I have epilepsy, ADHD and DSPD. My neurologist told me this years ago, Take ot from. It is important that people who need and desire behavioral supports or interventions to promote communication, social, academic, and daily living skills have access to those services in order to maximize their quality of life and developmental potential. Definition and Resources for Teachers, Counselors, and Schools. I think a lot of people here don't like the stigma that is attached to it so they resist it, but it is literally being neurologically different. ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning and development. I did grow up with it, though mine also started fairly late, at age 15. Variety truly is the spice of life. Whether we are talking about an ecosystem, society or the brain, how does this diversity relate to the functioning and stability of a complex system? Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. If you get rid of autism and adhd, then im not the same person anymore. University of Ottawa provides funding as a member of The Conversation CA. They might object to someone who obviously does have something wrong with them using the term. Epilepsy is a cognitive disorder that results in repeated seizures, caused by sudden and short bursts of electrical activity in certain parts of your brain. Symptoms. People who are neurodivergent have differences in the way their brain works. | WebProfiles Celebrating Neurodiversity Tony DeBlois. Neurodiversity is all our brains and their 10x5 connections and contains roughly the same number of neurons as there are stars in the Milky Way, around 100 billion. Companies such as Microsoft, Dell Technologies, JPMorgan Chase, and UBS have reformed their human resources processes to gain access to neurodiverse talent. Being neurodiverse does not correlate with low intelligence; many people with neuro differences are highly intelligent. These people would be considered neurodivergent. A staring spell. I agree. Autism and adhd are inherent parts of me; epilepsy and tumor are not. Thursday, 6:00-7:30PM, in HUB332 and over Zoom, Huskies for Neurodiversity will be hosting our second annual Cleveland Clinic Children's is dedicated to the medical, surgical and rehabilitative care of infants, children and adolescents. Even for those of us who go through brain surgery (in my case, for the RNS implant) seizures may continue. WebNeurodiversity advocates suggest theres too much attention on the impairments that come with conditions like ADHD. Even before I had my first seizure, my brain was affected by epilepsy. Hypothetical question: if epilepsy alone were truly ND, why is an overwhelming amount of my search giving material associating it with autism? Other Concerns & Conditions of Tourette Syndrome. Neurodivergent isnt a medical term. At the age at 16, she founded the Neurodiversity Celebration Week. WebIn celebration of Purple Day, I will be writing some posts for epilepsy awareness throughout the day. A diagnostic explanation may help the individual or their family understand their differences better and enable community connections. However, some people with conditions that fall under neurodiversity can also have neurological disorders. People with Autism or ADHD are more likely to have Epilepsy, just as people with Epilepsy are more likely to have Autism or ADHD. Autism Spectrum Disorder Fact Sheet. i started having seizures when i was 25 and got a virus. Epilepsy requires expensive ongoing medical care to treat it and there is no cure yet. We seek not only to better understand how the brains circuitry works, but also to develop new treatments for neurological diseases such as epilepsy. People with that condition struggle to read because their brain doesnt process written language like the brain of someone without dyslexia. Neurodiversity as a competitive advantage. Being neurodivergent means having a different way of functioning neurologically, ND people may need coping strategies and some extra understanding but most people who use the term arent looking for any kind of treatment or cure. Neurodiversity is the diversity of human brains and minds, the variation in cognitive functioning in humans. Signer who is on the spectrum, began to advocate to show that individuals with autism were not disabled. And this method and its assumptions are what formed the basis for contemporary approaches to psychological and psychometric testing, the ensuing division of people in functioning levels ("high IQ," "low-functioning," etc. Despite being born with physical and developmental challenges, Tony continues to surpass the expectations of others. Deficit, difference, or both? Early mornings. Epilepsy isnt a different way of functioning though, its a malfunction that occasionally kills people. Its a confusing Thing indeed. WebThe Neurodiversity Movement is a social justice movement that seeks civil rights, equality, respect, and full societal inclusion for the neurodivergent. Yes it meets the technical definition of diversity but it doesnt match up with the cultural connotations of that word. It has led to a conflation in the minds of many (particularly in the general public) that autism (alone) is equivalent to neurodiverse. WebThe epilepsies are categorized into 3 groups (idiopathic, cryptogenic, and symptomatic) on the basis of the presumed etiologies. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. An example of this is someone who has dyslexia. In the 1990s Judy Signer a sociologist rejected the thought that individuals with autism were disabled. I want more understanding, education, and acceptance, especially since there is so much stigma and so many misconceptions. Id also invite you to consider - would your answer be different if you werent autistic? Many will offer support groups, scholarships, and educational materials. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Have researchers misunderstood the neurodiversity movement? However, although I have seen this view presented many times, I havent actually observed people objecting to epilepsy being neurodiversity. Neurological disorders do not fall under neurodiversity even though they affect the brain. (https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.pn.2022.1.28). Webas someone with epilepsy who likes to learn more about neurodiversity i'm just curious about others' opinions on this. Thats to be commended. Treatment. The benefits of diversity, however, are far from exclusive to human organizations; heterogeneity and variability are design principles central to all complex natural systems, whether they are ecological, cellular or genetic networks. It is thought that up to 15% of the population are thought to be neurodiverse. Neurodiversity is a term that describes patients with atypical nervous system development It includes those conditions Implications of the idea of neurodiversity for understanding the origins of developmental disorders. Some doctors consider it neurodiversity. What do these result mean? There is nothing diverse about this. Unfortunately theres still a lot of ignorance and misinformation out there about neurological conditions that arent mental health issues. WebWhat is neurodiversity? In both examples, accommodations helped the person overcome their particular struggle. In researching neurodiversity, Tourette Syndrome was acknowledged as being a neurodiverse condition, whereas other resources did not consider it to be neurodiverse. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) a chemical made in the brain. WebTourette's Syndrome is an inherited, neurological condition, the key features of which are tics, involuntary and uncontrollable sounds and movements. WebWHAT IS MEANT BY NEURODIVERSITY? I expect ADHD has some benefits as well. Multiple Sclerosis develops due to the deterioration of the myelin sheath, a protection around neurons. IMO neurodiversity is about arguing that some people have personalities that are different or somehow inconvenient and that doesnt mean they should be diagnosed or treated into normality. 1678 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5864F7B09C1257428BE7BFD1089DB302>]/Index[1655 88]/Info 1654 0 R/Length 116/Prev 1006128/Root 1656 0 R/Size 1743/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Thus, rather than adapting normally to changes, neurons become disproportionately active and synchronous, and the resulting intense electrical activity spreads, disrupting brain function. Safe, joyful movement for people of all weights. Inform people about workplace/social etiquette, and dont assume someone is deliberately breaking the rules or being rude. ), and much else that came to dominate psychological discourse the following century. What alternative word would you suggest using to describe a chronic lifelong neurological condition (thats not a mental health issue) and makes you significantly different from the general population? not something i You don't have to follow that though in my opinion (outside of like, medical settings and whatnot.) Retrieved from:https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/Patient-Caregiver-Education/Fact-Sheets/Autism-Spectrum-Disorder-Fact-Sheet, Neurodiversity Hub (n.d.) Resources. Dyspraxia (difficulty with coordination). Despite the challenges that neurodiversity conditions can bring, there are resources available to help those battling conditions live a productive life. Requires treatment, research, and acceptance, especially since there is much. 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epilepsy and neurodiversity

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